New Hampshire Real Estate licenses are issued by the New Hampshire Real Estate Commission. Licenses are up for renewal every two years from date of issue. License renewal(s) requires a total of 15 credit hours (12 Hours of Elective Courses and one – 3 Hr. CORE Course).
A REALTOR® is a federally registered collective membership mark which identifies a real estate professional who is a member of the National Association of REALTORS® and subscribes to its strict Code of Ethics. A real estate licensee is not necessarily a REALTOR® and therefore is not held to this same standard.
Once one completes the licensing process and joins a real estate agency and that agency is a member of a local NH real estate Board, he or she must join a Board in which the agency belongs. The application can be found under "Membership / Join GMNBR." Upon completion of the application, submit with application fee, and prorated dues to GMNBR within 30 days of joining an agency. Upon GMNBR’s receipt of the application and applicable fees your application will be processed. A NRDS # (National REALTOR® Database Systems) will be assigned – this number will stay with you as long as you are an active REALTOR® regardless of agency or state. Notification will be sent to PrimeMLS which oversees MLS (Multi-Listing Service) verifying agency association and receipt of a Board. Note: Code of Ethics and Orientation must be completed within 120 of application submittal. Orientation Program: Must be completed within 120 days of application submittal. The Code of Ethics course (located on the "application" page of the website) must be completed first. Once Code of Ethics is complete you will be registered for the Orientation Class which is presented by GMNBR.
The NAR Member ID (formerly known as a NRDS#) is an identifying number given to all members. The following link will enable you to access your number or you can contact GMNBR’s Staff and they can provide you with your number. What is my NAR Member ID?
Dues are determined annually and can be found on the REALTOR® application. Dues submitted to the Greater Manchester / Nashua Board of REALTORS® are distributed to three Boards:
1. The National Association of REALTORS® (NAR)
2. The New Hampshire Association of REALTORS® (NHAR)
3. The Greater Manchester / Nashua Board of REALTORS® (GMNBR)
Once established with GMNBR, dues payments can be paid online through the Member Portal using a credit card. Direct payments to GMNBR can be paid by check or credit card.
You must complete a Code of Ethics AND Fair Housing course once within every three year cycle. The current Code of Ethics / Fair Housing cycle is from January 1st, 2025 to December 31st, 2027.
A few years ago, NAR's Board of Directors approved a change to the Code of Ethics training requirement, extending it from every two years to every three years.
Elective and CORE Courses are offered online through GMNBR’s website calendar. GMNBR classes are mostly in person at our Bedford office, but are occasionally held off site or over zoom. Check the NHAR website calendar for additional classes. The CE Shop has a multitude of online classes. The “Code of Ethics” Course is also offered online through the National Association of REALTORS® website (NAR.REALTOR).
Committee descriptions can be found here. Please use our Committee Interest Form to express any interest in joining one of our committees. If you have any further questions about any GMNBR committee, feel free to contact us at info@gmnbr.org or (603) 668-1054.
GMNBR does not maintain the MLS. Please contact PrimeMLS at (603) 228-9733.
The Zipforms Plus helpdesk phone number is 866-279-9653. The website link is https://www.zipformplus.com/.
Supra’s are available through PrimeMLS:
45 Constitution Ave – Suite #200
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 228-9733
nar.realtor is the National Association of REALTORS® official website for agents and associations. Realtor.com is a consumer facing website for the public.
Ethics complaints may be forwarded to GMNBR's Chief Executive Officer, Missy German. She can be reached at 603-668-1054 or via email at missy@gmnbr.org. Additional information can be found under "Professionalism/Professional Standards."
Class registrations and dues payments are processed through the Member portal. Your username is your email and your password is created by you when you setup your member portal login. For any questions regarding the member portal login, feel free to contact the GMNBR Office at info@gmnbr.org or (603) 668-1054.
If you are a member of a REALTOR® organization you are authorized to use the term REALTOR® and the REALTOR® logo. However, there are specific guidelines to the use of these trademarks. Please see the "Membership Marks Manual" a trademark reference for members on the proper use.