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CE Broker

Introducing CE Broker for Your Continuing Education Tracking

The Office of Professional Licensure and Certification is excited to introduce CE Broker, a platform designed specifically for managing and tracking continuing education (CE) requirements.

What is CE Broker?

CE Broker is an official continuing education tracking system used by over 2 million licensed professionals across the nation. It partners with regulatory boards, educational providers, and licensees to streamline compliance by tracking and reporting completed CE credits.

Why We’re Moving to CE Broker:

  • Simplified Tracking for you and OPLC: CE Broker offers a user-friendly dashboard to keep all your CE requirements in one place. This also allows OPLC to streamline audits.
  • Real-Time Updates: You’ll receive immediate status updates on completed courses and upcoming requirements.
  • Comprehensive Course Directory: If your board approves courses, approved courses will appear directly through the platform from a simple search.

Please note that CE Broker will be mandatory for the following boards beginning February 3, 2025, meaning you no longer upload CEs on the licensing portal.

  • Electricians;
  • Guardian ad Litem;
  • Mechanical Safety and Licensing;
  • Nursing Home Administrators;
  • Ophthalmic Dispensing Professionals;
  • Real Estate Appraisers;
  • Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons;
  • Veterinary Medicine.

Please note that we did explore alternative third-party CE tracking systems based on feedback. However, they do not meet regulatory requirements and cannot be approved for use.

CE Broker is live for your board, and you are more than welcome to access your account. Further details on CE Broker will be sent gradually over the next month.

Thank you,

The Office of Professional Licensure and Certification

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