GMNBR will be accepting nominations soon for the 2025 REALTOR® and Affiliate of the Year and Good Neighbor Awards.
Do you know someone who has gone above and beyond? Or someone who is known for giving back and helping others?
The REALTOR® and Affiliate of the Year are awarded to a REALTOR® AND an Affiliate member who exemplify the REALTOR® spirit through volunteerism, leadership, education and community service. The Good Neighbor Award recognizes a GMNBR REALTOR® member who has made an extraordinary commitment to improving the quality of life in their community through volunteerism.
Nominations are due by March 14th, 2025. Applications will be sent to all nominees upon receipt of nomination.
2024 Winners Pictured Below:
ROTY - Jennifer Bowles
AOTY - Darleen Wilkins
Good Neighbor - Kristi Whitten